Friday, June 24, 2011


It is always suprising to me every winter when I go out riding and see everyone under dressed!
Or they seem to have every piece of cycle clothing they own on and look bulky and ugly.

To me it's like people don't wanna admit it's winter or believe that they don't need to wear extra clothing as they believe they'll warm up later.

I just think that it's such a simple solution! WEAR WINTER KIT! And by winter kit I mean  bib tights a Winter jacket , winter gloves and booties plus a good quality under shirt.

Here are my examples of what will keep you warm,dry and comfortable.

1, The most important piece to this puzzle is a good quality undershirt, I personally think Craft make the best ones.(you might even be as happy as these guys)

2, Bib Tights, forget wearing leg warmers with your shorts, grab a pair of tights and be happy with the amount of comfort you get from just wearing one piece on your weekend money makers. You can't go past Castelli,Santini or Vermarc for tights that you'll get a long tome out of.

3, The winter jacket!! No more wearing 3 or 4 pieces of upper clothing, just chuck on a jacket and off you go. You should aim to get one with some type of windstopper material on the front with a fleece inside and a high collar to protect you from the elements.
The good thing about most winter jackets is that they're mostly water proof so there's no need to carry a rain jacket.

4, Get yourself a pair of gloves and some booties,make sure your gloves have windstopper material to stop that stingy winter morning pain  and I personally think a good pair of neoprene booties rule the cosmos and stop nearly anything getting to your toes!
Most of the above mentioned companies have good ones and plenty to choose from.

5, chuck in some type of skull cap,ear warmers or wear a cap to stop that initial head freeze when you leave at some ungodly hour in the morning.

In the end it's smart to dress warm in winter and you will enjoy riding in less bulk. I mainly used Castelli as my example as I do believe they are of best quality and last the longest as do Santini and Vermarc.
I think the most important thing when buying winter kit is to go for quality and I think the Italians do winter kit the best and you can be enjoying the same kit 5 years down the track.
And in the end you will be looking the most PRO at the coffee shop and will be ordering your second coffee when everyone else is shivering and wanting to go home and get under the doona!

Happy Winter riding.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Road Season

It's a topic that has been very popular with myself and a lot of friends lately. As most have just finished racing various Queen's birthday weekend tours,alot of people have told me that they have no motivation to race now as the weather get's colder and makes training alot less fun. This is a pretty common time for alot of riders especially club riders to take a break and just hibernate from racing. So let me ask the question!! Why don't we just have our road season in summer? Did you know that we are one of the only countries in the world to have our road season in winter. To me this has never made sense.I know that there is alot of tradition and history in Victorian cycling and I respect it hugely, thoug I don't think shifting the season to summer would disrespect the past. My favourite times of the year to ride is normally from around november to May.I find the conditions perfect for cycling whether you're cruising down Beach rd or hitting the Dandies.
Over the summer months I usually ride 6 days a week and find no problem getting a pedal in after or before work, normally because in the peak of summer I can get home from work,grab the bike and be home before I even need to put lights on. My motivation to ride is sky high and above all I get a great tan and look my seasonal best!
I do love racing the crit's though and just love the morning weekend races either at Glenvale or the more social Port Melbourne circuit's. But I always feel as though my good form is being wasted and needs more than 55 plus 3. I know that we have The tour of Bright which I madly flock to each year for a great weekend of racing even though i'm far from a climber.But when it finishes I find myself with great climbing legs ( for me ) but no races to test them even further............I could race the Aussie titles but I know I will not be there for long and personally don't think it's worth the bother for a regular Club rider like myself. Could you imagine racing road on saturday followed by your favourite criterium the next day! I don't think it would take much to change the season around and I personally think this would be a great investment for the future of our sport. Could you imagine having an easy winter where you could either take some time for some well deserved R&R get a little chubby and live a normal life for a bit or you could race the track ( we do have a great indoor velodrome now ) and even now cyclocross.
I personally don't think this will happen for a long time and I think that's a big mistake with cycling becoming so popular. Alot of people will say negative things about the weather being to hot and what if it's 45 and we have to race. But let me ask you this! What time of year do you like riding the most? I bet you it's not winter but summer. So why should'nt we race during the time of the year that we all love the most?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Winter Motivation

A good way to get dirty and have fun while watching people fall over.
Let's hope that with the start of winter sports like cyclo cross we might start to see a shift of the road season to summer.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tchmil : Hardest cyclist ever!

While people like myself worry about what
Colour booties to wear and freak out when they get dirty! There was a time when real men ruled the cycling world. One of those real men was named Andrei Tchmil.
The Russian born hard man was around when riders didn't do heart rate specific and lactic threshold training, he just rode long and hard and always kept it in the big ring.
I wish there was still more Like Andrei around today in the pro peleton.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Favourite Steel

It may be old school, heavy and not carbon! But nothing beats the ride quality of real Italian steel.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cross training Contador

Riis must believe Contadors training doesn't include enough cross training, so he has ordered the Spainard to carry all of his luggage until the tour.
Reports are the Cadel has now added luggage carrying to his Training program and has taken a casual position at the Hilton in Paris.According to Cadel he likes the freedom of working as a casual! Plus the extra 2 euro an hour.

VDB, The king of white booties

He might have been one of the great all time dopers and had one of the fastest pet dogs in the world ( told police EPO was for pooch)but no one can deny that VDB was one of the most stylish riders of all time and I thank him for introducing the world to white booties and oversocks!
Thanks VDB and RIP